Our Story
I started Callie Jewelry after learning the basics of jewelry making in school, and have turned it into something I never would have dreamed I could. I was an 18 year old working two jobs and a full time college student. I had just moved in with my now husband in North Carolina where he was stationed in the Marine Corps, all the way from New Hampshire. I was struggling to make ends meet and thought about the jewelry supplies stashed in my closet I had asked for from my mom for Christmas the year before. After saving $10 here and $20 there by making belly button rings with Marine Corps logos on them (I know I still cringe too!) I had saved enough to buy myself a hammer, blow torch, solder pad, sterling silver wire, and everything else to make my first ring since high school. I made a ring with the 'infinity' symbol on it, and sold 27 on facebook in one day to my tiny audience. It was that moment I realized how much I loved jewelry making, and started working around the clock to build my business. I slowly but surely left each job, and with a move to California I dropped out of college. I spent most of my days in my tiny in-house office in Twentynine Palms, CA growing my business, and now here we are almost 10 years later, with a beautiful 3 year old Loren, my handsome husband, living in Kailua, Hawaii, with a still successful business. To order from Callie Jewelry is to support a small business, but also so much more. You're supporting me, my dream, and my sweet family. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here.
xx Nicole